Custom Tom Savini “His Name was Jason” action figure. Let’s see yours!
I have recently began the hobby of creating Friday the 13th related action figure to go with my Jason collection. I’m going to try to do my best to create characters and other involved people who will likely never be made into figure form. A lot of you have already seen my custom Roy Burns action figures. I made a standard 7 inch Roy similar to the “Cinema of Fear” figures and I made a custom Mezco Mez-It that was displayed at Comic Con as part of the Mez-it Art Show.
This time, I decided to try to think even further outside the box and do a custom of Friday the 13th FX legend Tom Savini. Granted, Savini has been made into figure form before as part of the “Now Playing” line by Sota from the “Land of the Dead” film. The Tom that I made is in the form of his appearance on the recent documentary “His Name Was Jason”. That said, check out the gallery below, which also features pics of my custom Roy figures.
Have you ever made a custom Friday the 13th action figure? If so, let’s see it ! Comment below with a link to your custom creations!

Tony, this is awesome. I was just talking to a guy about these type of figures last week. I was thinking that their should be figures of all of the essential Friday characters. Tommy Jarvis, Ethel, etc. figures would all be great! Nice job on the Savini figure.
Thanks dude. I’m considering attempting Mr. Victor J. Fadden next. Not sure. I really like the idea of having various supporting Friday the 13th alum on my Friday the 13th wall.
Is that… a Sabu head?
Actually yes! It’s heavily modified. I completely stripped the paint on the face, sanded off the hair that came down across the face, modified the nose and slightly sculpted the wrinkles and cheek bones. I then completely repainted the head and sculpted and painted the hair.
I know Tom will love that because you made him very buff…
That’s awesome! I have the wrestling figures, but I don’t have the time, patience, or skills to do it though. Great work!!!
Good job. Props the the craftsmenship.
What website is it that makes custom figures?
That is really cool!!!
looks great , i dig the roy too
Best. Custom. Figure. Ever.
That figure is awesome.
how about making a custom figure of Jason sucking Norman Bate’s dick? now that’s something i’d buy… check me out at
Savini is going to complain that the head isn’t big enough!! LOL
Next up: Crazy Ralph
Not sure when I’ll get around to it. But it’ll happen.
Was the “dick sucking” comment a joke? Like that “wal-mart man” stuff. Either way, I don’t get it… If anything it should’ve been the other way around, because Psycho sucked. Norman Bates wasn’t scary at all. Psycho wasn’t scary, it was just lame.
Haha! Awesome. Somebody send that to Tom!