Coming Soon: One’s Customs Contest Teamup
In the very near future, One’s Customs and Friday the 13th The Website will be teaming up to bring fans a very unique contest to win a custom Friday the 13th figure. As many already know, One’s Customs has been at the forefront of creating not only custom Friday the 13th figures, but figures for all characters in the horror genre. His attention to detail and accurate sculpting talents are what have garnererd him lots of attention throughout the World Wide Web.
It is our great pleasure to offer the many fans of this website and One’s Youtube channel the chance to win a truly one of a kind custom figure from Friday the 13th. Contest details are being finalized and an announcement of the contest will come shortly after that. Keep your eyes open for the announcement.

Wow, this bloke is really, really good!
But i guess being from the UK i cant do this compition??
What a prize to win!!
Oh, man. I am all in for this contest. I cannot wait. What character is being given away?
I definately dig this contest. Whatever it is, you’ll have my participation. I really hope that it’s the 8″ Jason Remake figure or your choice of Jason up for grabs. One’s customs is amazing!
Ah, you will have to wait and see what the figure is.
I think everyone will like it! You all know One will make something amazing.
Excellent! Very much looking forward to this! I am guessing something old school, perhaps a Part 2 Jason??? Or maybe a young Jason from the original!
I can’t wait for this one! His work is top notch! You’re really outdoing yourself with these contests jasonsfury
That is an awesome toy collection. Almost cooler than my Star Wars toys.