Death Scene From Sequel Script Leaked
I wanted to start off by saying that I am not usually a fan of just running with a story automatically without researching the background first. We have seen in the last few months how websites get a sniff of something newsworthy and then publish it without reading up on exactly what they are posting about. With that being said, Bloody Disgusting is a very trustworthy site and we all know they have great sources, so even though what they have posted about the sequel today has no source outside of what they have written, I am going to relay some sequel information your way. End of weird disclaimer…
So, BD posted an interesting little snippet about one particular death scene that comes from the yet-to-be-filmed script for the Friday the 13th sequel. One unlucky victim gets killed while the audience watches dance club/rave style.
Death Scene
In one sequence a teen is using a camera to see in the dark. That’s when Jason Voorhees appears. While being slaughtered by Jason, the flash of the camera continues to go off (creating a strobe effect) as body parts fly all across the screen (presumably in 3-D)
Might be an interesting scene. However, it does remind me of the ending of Halloween: Curse of Michael Myers. That scene was pretty intense and if this scene was done correctly could be effective. What do you guys think?

I just want to see it, it also sounds like it could be scary as hell
I think it would very cool to see a kill like that in the next film but, I wish the dunes boys would just get on with it already!!!!!!
I say bring it on! Although this scene sounds a little cliche by now, it would be a first in this franchise. I just hope this movie gets made sometime soon!
sounds like when Jason was killing everyone at the rave in Freddy vs Jason, or even the start of the original Blade, but just possibly more graphic and fast(well, maybe not as fast and graphic as Blade), and looking for a fast quick way to show you some great 3D before letting you down for the rest of the movie with cheap scares and corny shots.
would it be fun to see, hell yeah, but hmmmmmmmmmmm, i dunno. does anyone else have a weird feeling after reading this?
Something bothers me about the fact a script is leaking already. We all know there’s 20 scripts written per-movie and all but one are scratched. The one that remains is altered a great deal. I wouldn’t get my hopes up just yet because I don’t think it’s gonna be made with the script they got this from.
Cool, but,,, i dont like the 3D part.
When i saw “the final destination” in a standart cinema room (2d), a lot of nonsence things flyes try to justify the 3d.
I dont like that way.
I loved that FvsJ scene! It’s the only time Jason really got to let loose. Usually it’s one by one, but he took out all kinds of people. As for the supposed death, in the sequel? It sounds cool.
Seriously though, I wish they would just make the movie and not give away too much info on the possible new film. I love the updates on the film, don’t get me wrong. I just think that too much is leaked about the coolest scenes in the movie, and it takes away from the shock that was originally intended.
Let’s say that there is a Part 2, we’re all now prepared for this scene. The trailer for the Remake showed 13 kills! I feel like I already saw the movie. I know that the original trailer did that. But when you’re trying to bring back the fright and scare to a 30 year old movie, don’t just give it all away.
I’m don’t ranting now ;)
yeah, i found the trailer showed too much also, but that seems to be the way they go now, every movie now shows you a condensed movie over 1min30secs.
check out this trailer for a movie coming out this year called “Buried”. watch the trailer completely, this is how a trailer gets you to want to see a movie. and by the way, there is nothing wrong with the video, you just have to wait for it.
I highly doubt this kill will ever make it into a new movie, however, I do not doubt this was in the original script. It was a nice little nugget to get fans talking.
I put no faith in anything at this point of the ball game.
To me this is a classic way for people to start talking and it takes some kind of pressure of PD,makes them live another day so to speak.
I did like the hospital kill seen in halloween when it was all strobed out, so like jasonsfury said this could be cool if they don’t screw it up. And even if it isn’t true, at least theres new info on the sequal to read about.
well its kinda cool but its not but its kinda hahah..! it seems like maybe there reading the comics of Jason and taking from there not to old Skool but come on already make a new fucking movie and film it in new jersey..creepy and hunch back part 3 or 4 style with a mask that’s not to big but a bald big deformed head not tall n lanky like the remake I like a part 3 ,AND 4 Jason but i do like Derek Mears just don’t think I want him back ,,BUT LETS GET ON WITH A NEW MOVIE ALREADY
i thought the next movie was about the camp opening back up!with new camp councilors,like the original movie?if they filmed that instead of the 2025 movie,it mite of made more $$$!
I think I will have some support in my thoughts here by everyone when I say that I wish we could get some good sequel news. I like that jasonsfury gives us as much as he can for sequel news, but man, Warner Bros. needs to make up their mind and say yes or no. The fans are wanting more. C’mon Warner!
I do like the idea of the kill mentioned above, by the way. ;)
Very interesting!
Sounds great, as long as jason doesnt start sticking his tonge out and posing while its happeneing! lol
Just wish WB would make its mind on weather they are going to give it the green light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I was going to say the same thing about Halloween 6. Cool friggin scene though. And using the camera to see in the dark reminds me of Wayne from part 8. Although he lost His glasses. So maybe finnaly this sequal is moving forward.
Is there anyway to write an open letter to WB to make a choice. I’m sure there’s enough research to be done to support doing it but we just want some kind of answer. One voice is quiet, 200 are louder.
ehh..hope they don’t film such a scene..
The scene is totally in line with what the first movie(2009) was. I think few noticed that almost every death in the reboot was connected with the use of modern technology, whereas in the movies from the eighties sex and drugs was what made Jason kill you, it’s now technology. The guy finding his weed with a tracker(or something), the couple having sex while filming each other, the cooler box in the garage that gets the two party guys killed. Plus, the girl that gets kidnapped at the beginning wants to use her phone(not for personal gain but to check up on her sick mother), but gets stopped by her boyfriend. I’m sure there’s more.
I see it like this maybe New Line & Warner Bros. will do the sequel film with distribution from Paramount and PD having nothing to do with Friday The 13th 2 & Nightmare on Elm Street 2 this will be awesome plus Halloween 3D.
And to all those who complain bout a franchise remake, i see it like this maybe they wanna make a new series of films based on the same franchise for a new generation of horror fans
Also, since Platinum Dunes has expressed interest in another FVJ movie, we may never see Kane Hodder vs. Robert Englund’s Freddy/Jason but maybe we’ll get to see Derek Mears and Jackie Earle Haley’s Freddy & Jason fight
Wow that sounds brutal as hell… I wouldn’t mind to see that scene eventually make it to the big screen!!
Honestly, w/ the way movies are made today, they’re goin to make it more hollywood then the way it should be. If you think about it, te best death scenes in any Jason movie were parts 4-8, mainly done by Kane Hodder the best Jason ever. Have fun, if it sucks, I’m stickin old school.