Dual Studio Involvement Responsible for Delayed Sequel?

POSTER_SequelOne aspect of the “new” franchise that may not have been considered as a potential problem for future Friday the 13th movies is the fact that Warner Bros. and Paramount are currently still partners. The rights for this franchise and the characters that are used have seemingly attached these two distributors at the hip. Knowing this fact could lend insight into why the sequel that many fans are clammoring for is at a complete standstill. Brad Fuller recently eluded to this fact on his Twitter account. In response to a comment made about how much money the sequel would make at the box office, he had this to say:

“i agree- the reason they are not going forward has more to do with the fact two studios are involved-more than anything else”

One of the reasons the reboot took so long to get to theaters was the rights struggle that had persisted between the two distributors. Now, it may be possible that perhaps the same hurdles may have to be jumped in order to get the sequel moving in a direction that leads to the theaters.

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20 Responses to “ Dual Studio Involvement Responsible for Delayed Sequel? ”

  1. My thoughts exactly. I think one studio needs to give, and hand it over completely to the other (for the good of the franchise). And I would like to see Paramount bring Jason home!


  3. Yes i think they should give it back to paramount, for better or for worse let them make the next one.

  4. agreed tlyon2
    New Line screwed Jason six ways from Sunday

  5. Yeah, Paramount should do it. And Savini + Manfredini + Cunningham + Zito. Old School Friday again. Not some plastic MTV movie this time.

    I think the first movie was ok, but it could’ve ben much better. So bring back the people that made the movies I love.

  6. Paramount should have it and then there will be a new film!

  7. A new interview on Ain’t It Cool News with the Friday writers has a ton of Friday stuff in it….

  8. Thanks Raindog. After reading through the interview. Here’s the main part that pertains to the sequel

    Now having said that, we’re very excited about the prospect of making another FRIDAY THE 13TH. We had a great time making that movie. It was a blast. We loved those kids and being outside. So many of our movies are contained–you’re dismembering bodies in a basement–and finally we’re outside running around, and that was a blast, and we’d love to go back and do another one of those. We’re getting a script in within the next couple of weeks, and hopefully if that script meets everyone’s expectations that would be our next movie. Beyond that, there are projects that we’re getting in that are kind of being developed and you know all of them. There’s nothing that you don’t know about, but frankly, beyond FRIDAY THE 13TH: PART 2, I don’t have any plans. Do you?

    The interviewer, Capone, did mention that the interview was conducted before PD committed to Monster Squad, so everything that we have reported here recenty still holds true. The sequel is still at a standstill and Mr. Fuller’s comments posted in the story above probably hold a good indication where the franchise is stuck for the time being.

  9. I really wonmder what kind of rights Paramount has?
    I guess they have the right to the “Friday the 13th” name. Maxbe New Line could make another “Jason” movie without the F13-title.
    Apart from the prolouge, which “remade” Mrs Vorhees decapitation, the remake wasn´t a real “remake”, so I wonder if/why there where any rigth-disputes towards the story. As long as the F13-sequel does not copy/remake incidents from the original movies it should be fine I guess (but what do I know).
    I am all for a New Line F13. I dont trust Paramount. New Line just need to et away friom, the “Gimmicks” and make a “normal”, classic Jason-flick

  10. I figured as much…Id rather they take time anyway and come up with something good. Jason in the snow doesnt impress me much.

  11. i’m wondering why Mr Fuller wrote me on twiter that the project is DEAD!
    cross fingers it’s not!

  12. It seems like i’ve been hoping for years that the next F13 movie would be set in a snow covered Camp Crystal Lake but i’d just settle for anything now as long as we get a sequel.I’d also like to see Paramount obtain sole rights to the franchise (if that’s what it has to take) and deliver us a sequel worthy of their original “golden” era of Jason.Sure there was a time when they were seemed “embarassed” of the success of Friday The 13th but they still kept making them and were also the best entries of the series……………..KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.

  13. Unless one buys the other out, this will either 1) ruin the franchise completely, or 2) make sequals few, if ever.

    Someone once said you can’t serve two masters.

    If this keeps up, will see 20 new Elm Street and Halloween movies before a wannabe trilogy of Friday the 13th would be released.

  14. Honestly I love the friday the 13th franchise huge fan and i live less then an hour away from where they filmed original. But there comes a time when it time to call it quits. Seriously since new line started making them they lost the friday the 13th feel. Jason goes to hell had an intresting story line but in a whole it wasnt great. Jason X was garbage ive taken craps that are more intresting then that sequel. Freddy vs. Jason was good and dont even get me started on the one they made last year. They made it too main stream horror. what Savini posted before is true, it was plastic mtv garbage. SO if they cant make it like used to let paramount have the rights back I say end it here it was fun while it was around. Dont run a good thing through the mud before you leave it to die.

  15. if the 2025 remake made shit loads of money they would be filming right now.in other words they don’t wont to make another now.and when they do they should make it special!its going to be the 13th in the franchise.go back to the original concepts!!!
    maybe bring back some survivor’s from the older ones.then he needs to kill very known survivor to get to a master plan of his!?!(Jason goes to hell).now that would be interesting!!!pass it on to the writers!!!LOL

  16. New Line needs to get bent, they can’t make a good horror movie. Platinum Dunes can also keep their hands off, because Bay, Form, and Full are movie studio whores who will rape any franchise to make a buck.

  17. I think Paramount should have him back. Sure the series grew kind of stale (especially after 4), but at least they didn’t have JV go from body hopping, to Hell, To Space(which I like), then FVJ with a story in between.-TOO much jumping around with him! (I wish to see the stars wrapping around the snow-capped Mt. hearing the familiar “Ch ch ch ch, Ha ha ha ha” again one day!)

  18. The 13th film in this franchise should not be made by any of the amateurs that made the 12th one.

  19. I am not worried. Saying there wont be another F13 movie is like saying there will never be another James Bond entry. Come on, how many franchises do you know have 12 sequels!

    like somebody said on here: ” Hes down there waiting…”

  20. this may sound stupid but I think part be like a remake to jason takes Manhattan, except make it violent and stylish, like long shots of the alley, a bunch of crane shots. the poster should be t he alley all rainy and Jason’s figure inside of it

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