Friday Conversation: What Filming Location Would You Most Like To Visit
Everyone has their favorite movie in the franchise and I think that would directly translate into meaning they would want to visit that filming location at some point during their lifetime. However, I know that a lot of fans wouldn’t mind visiting all of the locations if they had a chance. Some of the locations are featured below. Please visit the locations section of our website for more information.
So, if you had the chance, which site would you most like to visit?!
Part 1, or 2 would be cool enough for me.
I like part1.
I wanted to visit the campground that had been used with part1 somehow or other.
Then, I questioned the camp office with E-mail.
“Can the foreign traveler go sightseeing in the camp facilities? What prior report is necessary if it is possible?”
…However, the answer from the camp office was “I am sorry, it is not permission.”
I could do nothing but give up visiting…
I’d like to see the town from part 1 the most I certainly think it would be interesting to see where the series started out even though it no doubt looks a whole lot different, but nonetheless I’d love to see the town. Also I gotta say that I’d love to look around at the Jarvis house as well from part 4.
Blairstown for sure
I’d love to see just about any of these, and I may have to go check out the cemetary when I go visit my folks in Georgia sometime (as a small side note, near their house is a street named “Voorhees”! Seriously!)
It was honestly thr Part 2 Laurel Lodge location, till they tore it down. I am really sad it’s gone, I always thought it would be cool to restore it to reflect the way it looked in the movie.
living in Scotland, im not exactly spoilt for choice,lol, but i wud love to visit the places where the original Friday was filmed, that wud be to cool!
I’d love to visit the locations of the first 4 mostly
Too bad a fire destroyed part 3’s vacation cabin but at least the barn is still there. Also too bad part 2’s lodge isn’t there anymore either
But it would still be cool to visit the locations with or without the actual building structures.
I’ve been to Blairstown several times. If you’re ever close, its well worth the trip. The country roads aren’t overdeveloped, so it looks a lot like 1980. The diner is also a highlight, as it looks very much unchanged since the movie. And the old mill with the arch walkway is fantastic.
Other than that, the voorhees house from part 9 would be the one set I’d really like to go to. Well, that and part 6. Oh its too hard to pick, I’d like to go to all of them!
Id love to visit part 2 and 3 however both locations are pretty much finished. Part 2 was torn down and part 3 was set on fire. So i guess id go with part 1.
**** Jason Fury, when will you put up the filming location pics for the 2025 reboot? I am curious to check it out*****thanks in advance
Schotta001 Dec 18th, 2025 at 4:47 pm
**** Jason Fury, when will you put up the filming location pics for the 2025 reboot? I am curious to check it out*****thanks in advance
I will have those pics for the blog here soon. As for adding it to the main site, next year should have some major updates to the website which will include adding the site location and pics for the remake.
@ Jason’s Fury. Great news bro. love this site. keep up the good work!
I would love to visit the set of The Final Chapter…even though its private property. I always liked the look of Crystal Lake in part 4. Looks like a nice place to camp as long as Jason isnt there. I wouldve said the set of part 7, but apparently there were alot of alligators in the water…and they had to hire an alligator wrangler.
Been to part 6 camp. It’s a real camp located about a half mile from main road and I did have to tresspass on state property so visit at your own risk! The kitchen/mess hall building was used alot. It is also used as the girl campers’ cabin (movie magic!) that Jason repeatedly breaks thru. The counselors cabin is located across a small field from this building. The boys cabin and lake are located downhill from the kitchen/mess hall, the lake being just a small cove connected to a much larger lake. Btw, there’s no way Jason or Megan could have seen Tommy yelling in the boat from where they were standing. The camp can be rented and accomodates about 300. Fan reunion anyone?
Awesome, cantbesure. That would actually be a real cool idea to get the fans together. It would be just like the old days on this website when Blake and Brenna and others from the F13 community organized the camping trips.
You should look into the costs and shoot me an email. Maybe something like that could happen! It would be fun.
Also, you can view some of my photos here:
I think the location for the original Friday the 13th would be the most the town looks really old and i thought the camp looked the best from the entire series.
i’d also like to visit the house from JGTH…very creepy too.
Part 1 !
When did you take your pics? The images listed at the link below were recent up to 2025. Yours look like they could be from around the same time period, possibly newer.
I live about an hour from Covington GA where Part 6 was filmed and spent a long weekend in a cabin there a few years back. It was awsome….i brought a VCR and watched Friday the 13th movies and visited the locations for Part 6!!!
I’d like to visit the lake from part 1, where the scene was filmed of Marcie talking about her dream of rain drops turning to blood… That’d be pretty cool.
Does the barn from part 3 still exist? I think I might’ve read somewhere that it burned down. I’m not sure though.
Unfortunately, some yahoos did burn the house down, but the barn does still stand!
That’s messed up, about the house… But how cool would it be to check out the barn where Chris put the axe to Jason? I’d like to go there someday too.
I wouldn’t mind visiting the locations from the first 4 films. Well, maybe not for Part 2 now, since there isn’t much left. I live in San Diego. Every time I take the 101 freeway through L.A. on road trips, I pass the Topanga Canyon Blvd off ramp. And every one of those times I think about TFC and going to find the Jarvis house. And every time I happen to be on interstate 5 near Valencia & Saugus, I wonder exactly where the movie ranch from Part 3 is located. Perhaps one of these days I will actually go looking.
I live in NJ but haven’t been up to check out the part 1 location. It’s an active camp too so i can’t just go check it out anyway. I would like however go see part since part 2 is no longer there
Prior to the lodge burning down a few years back, I’d have said the Part III setting (Valuzet Movie Ranch in Saugus, CA) hands-down. And even with the main building gone, the remaining sections like the barn would be great to visit….especially the site of the artificial Crystal Lake where Mrs. Voorhees jumped out of the water.
That said, a trip to Blairstown to see the town center and the diner would be a dream come true, not to mention the campsite which is now controlled by the Boy Scouts, I believe.
Since they razed all the buildings from Part II’s filming site, I think a trip there would only be depressing.
Web page written about filming location is here.
Please use positional coordinates displayed in the upper part of pics though those characters are written in Japanese.
Those positional coordinates can be used with google earth (Or, google map).
I’m from Columbus, Ohio & planning on making the trip to Blairstown in the summer. I’ve always loved the look of the woods in New Jersey. Wish they’d shoot another one there, but PD is stuck on the same ole, same ole Texas look in all of their films.
Any of the locations from the first six would be a trip to visit. Man, I might actually do that some day….
Oh man, if I could I’d take off work for a month and go to all the locations nonstop. Of course, it looks like the campgrounds in pts 1 and 6 would be off limits to go to from some of these posts.
And I live in Jersey, so I feel somewhat ashamed of myself that I haven’t at least been to Blairstown to walk around and get a bite to eat at the diner. Actually, when my mother was a car service driver, she drove a customer to Blairstown and picked me up a shirt from the diner. Too bad its about 2 sizes to small for me to wear or else I’d have that shirt on almost every day
I wanted 2 see the filming cabins for part 2 so bad. I was able 2 see the town and the lake but on my way 2 the house I was stoped and told 2 turn around…what a bummer right? That location for me is the best and someone should buy the blueprints of the cabins and start over…this time Friday the 13th fan friendly…lol So talking about filming locations I think that it would cool for this site 2 put up a in memory page for the locations lost and also another thing i had in mind was a location finding thing…for example I want 2 see pics of the store used in part 3…but i live 2 far from it…so someone that is closer should find it, take the pic and post it for all 2 see also I would like 2 see pics of the house where alice was staying in at the opening for part 2
Part 3. Such an eerie setting
I´d love to visit all of the locations. I guess there ain´t much to see at the TNB location except swamp. Even though the house from Part 3 is burned down and the lodge from Part 2 is gone there place should still be interesting to see because of the surroundings.
Since a lot of people seem to have been to Nobebosco (bizillions of pics on the net, dozens of videos on youtube) it would be cool to check out the “lesser known” locations like the ANB-locations (I hope that the owners someday agree to at least let one fan (like Bong tokin Chuckles) visit the place so that this lucky guy can share the pics with us).
The remake-locations would be worth a trip (if we only knew the exact locations in Austin) because you could also check out the spots for the original TCM, TM 2 and the remake, which where also filmed in or near Austin.
Parts 1,2,3, and 4. But if I had to pick just one, probably part 3 because that place was the first time we saw the hockey mask, and that barn is creepy.
i live near bastrop which is about 2 hours outside of houston. that is where they filmed the remake at. its a pretty cool place to visit. been to the campground there which is a boyscout camp. pretty cool
I’ve been to the part 2 location, in 2025. It looked exactly the same inside. It’s a shame it’s gone.
WELCOME TO BLAIRSTOWN jeff would like to vist it!!!
One off my fav places in all f13.
Sick Nick do u have any pictures of your trip?
I would love to camp out at part 1 location and watch it outside over a huge ass project. same with 3, 4 and 6.
I live an hour away from Hard Labor Creek (part6) and just took a few pix a few months ago where the Forest Green County Sheriff location and I also found the little old build that was used as ‘Karlov’s General Store’. That looks like its about to fall apart. That little town in GA also had the TV show “IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT” filmed there, and when i watch that show- they will use ‘Karlov’s General Store’ from time to time… its funny b.c its in the middle of NO WHERE and a good 20 to 30 mins away from the town.
Part 1. For sure.
Sick Nick,
And how did you see that part 2 house??? LOL! Wow, was that 04??? How time flies. We just revisted part 2 and it was horrible to see the house gone.
I have been lucky enough to see parts 1-4 before the fire and being torn down. We have to get to the part 6 one now!