“Hillbilly Jason” Unmasked And In Action
We are always trying to hit our visitors from all different angles with information and objects from the series. There is so much to cover and talk about that it can be overwhelming to get everything out to the fans. There are some articles in the works right now that I am sure you guys will love when they are posted for viewing! So today I realized that I completely missed some images that were posted at Benevolent Street that showcase Jason from Part 2.
Wickedbeard is in action once again with Jason unmasked and looking to remove you from the camp grounds forever! Check out his pictures below and don’t get too close as Jason wants to leap into your living room. Um, wait a minute, wasn’t that a tag line for another Friday the 13th movie?

I just got chill’s up my spine when i saw this. All of your costumes are Wicked.
the sack is pretty scary. idk i just think the mask doesnt stand up to his previous work. best pt2 fan costume ever though.
I got to know Wickedbeard really well. We are going to be doing some promotional shots real soon and maybe some out door Campground shots near some cabins and lakes.
Wow. This is pretty cool. I love the hockey mask and all, but I sometimes wonder if there could be a Jason (baghead) movie (or book) in the future?
Of course I know there won’t be, but I can dream.
The mask is ok, but something isn’t right about it though.
wickeds other jasons are better, cuz he looks like a big dude, he fits the body type, the costume is great, but it looks as if kane hodder put it on, pt2 jason is a twig in comparison, great costume tho, keep em comin wicked!
The face doesn’t resemble the unmasked Warrington Gillette (ooh curse words!) part 2 Jason. Looks more like an alien with long hair. Definitely not on par with Wickedbeard’s other Jason costumes.
Yeah I see something with the face that’s a little off but overall I wouldn’t want to talk up on him. But truthfully he should put someone that’s short and skinny in it to look more like what Jason did in part 2. I mean he was scrawny in that movie. But it still looks great.
But imagine if that last picture came in a life size stand up. You could scare the sh*t out of someone.
The unmasked shots remind me of Scotty from Boogie Nights, hehe.
Love seeing these pictures!
Seeing that in real would def scare me in the dark!!!!
Thats freaky.
I am in agreement with MadWorldDesigns. Both pictures of “Sack Head” are great, no, horrific!
Thanks for the compliments everyone, and Thanks to you especially Jason for all your continued support and recognition!!!The mask I used for the sackless shots was the old bump in the night mask.I no longer have that mask as those are old pics.It was not the most accurate mask, but it made for some good pics.
I prefer the sack for any part 2 suit though as it is really hard to pull off the unnmasked version effectively without actually using prothetics, and makeup, which i may tackle someday.
The mask I used is also the same mask Warrington carries with him to various conventions, and despite popular opinion , he is a very nice guy, and a good friend, and while he did not play jason for very long in the flick, he will always be the unmasked part 2 jason, and that is something no one can take away.
as far as body size, I would not say Dash was small, he was shorter than all the other Jasons, but he still had a bit of bulk.
I may do some updated part 2 pics soon, as i recently landed a new shirt which looks a lot more accurate to the screen shirt.
I am trying to get all my suits upgraded for Camp Blood in august!!
Hope to see some of ya there!!It is going to be a weekend to remember!!
Yeah I would have to agree that S.D. was somewhat bulky, but overall he was a little Jason compared to say Brooker or White. But if he looked like YOU in that movie.. well let’s just say “Paul” wouldn’t have made it to the cabin in the last scene. His ass would have been broke in half at the house.
You are one big dude which I guess makes that shot of you in the sack quite spooky.
WOW! Everytime I think Wickerbeard can no longer amaze me, he does something like this! Fantastic costume! Looking forward to seeing you at Camp Blood!!