Kaiyodo Part 3 Jason Figure And Barn Base Details
Everytime I think the website has everything to be found on this figure, someone comes along and provides even more information. Our long time visitor and friend daizab just pointed us to the website for this figure and the pictures they display are astonishing. This is as definitive a look as you are going to get of this awesome figure. Check out the pictures below. To this point, we know that the figure will retail for $29.99, is 5.7 inches in length, looks to be released in October and daizab mentioned that preorder might start tomorrow, August 1st!
When we know more information, we will add it to this story.
Incredible! I want one!
God I hope they do more. I REALLY REALLY want a great Final Chapter Jason that does that version Justice. Still this one here is just incredible. You can even see his brain inside the axe wound. Sick.
They go threw the trouble of gettin all the details down .. but then fail on the shirt colour.. wtf is up with that. lol silly asians
Wow what a great figure!!!
“silly asians”…
We are despised like “Race who even drinks beer poured into shoes”. It was described by the movie like that. Being despised is natural.
I wanted to be useful. But, it was felt strongly that even a language alone did not have to transcend national borders.
I will nothing but leave…
I want to say thank you to daizab for sharing this information. Your input and presence is always welcome here.
The pictures are the amazing! I really hope that the final product will come out as good as these promo shots. That’s one thing I admired most about Sideshow figures. What you see is what you get. Mezco always had that problem. I remember how bad that Part 6 Jason mask looked compared go the perfect mask on the promo pics. Regardless, I really am looking forward to buying this one. Thanks for the heads up Daizab.
Hey Daizab, have they ever made a Predator figure?
So is this a kit you have to paint and glue or a finished figure like Neca puts out? Thanks! S.
Finished figure. No painting required.
Beautiful!!! I want one.
Very cool and detailed. Now someone was bound to say it so I’m going to be “that guy.” Since it’s so detailed, there should be a knee wound on his right knee from where Chris stabbed him upstairs coming out of the closet. The figure has the axe wound so he should have the knee wound at this point as well. Just an observation.
Where will we be able to get this?
You can pre-order it here, they accept International Order, not like on Amazon.co.jp
This is the best Jason figure I’ve ever seen!!, I love that classic look from Part 3!. I want to buy it!
Hey, check out my horror shortfilm in the link below (two parts)!, I’d love to her your opinion about it!
I mean “hear your opinion”…
Nice figure and accessories but the shirt and pants colors are way off. It is always something missing from these figures. Blue and pants and shirt? I almost thought it was a part 8. If they had accurate colors it would have been perfect. I still think that my One’s Customs part 7 is the best figure ever made, and the accessories are the best.