Kolchak the Night Stalker: “Devil’s Birth” Photo Comic

For those visitors that have not seen this yet, you need to check out this very unique concept for a comic story. The concept is unique as the creator uses custom figures as well as licensed Jason figures and places them into a graphicly designed comic layout to tell the Jason Voorhees story. This is a six chapter photo comic story that is currently on chapter five. Read the synopsis of the story below.

“Kolchak the Nightstalker: Devils Birth” is a six part photo story where Kolchak discovers the dark origins of Jason Voorhees, because sometimes in order to stop something, you first need to know how it began.

I included a few random excerpts of the comic below, but to read the entire story up to Chapter 5, please visit kolchak photo comics




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5 Responses to “ Kolchak the Night Stalker: “Devil’s Birth” Photo Comic ”

  1. That’s awesome! I have the action figure set that’s featured in the background of the last frame. Still in the box and never played with. One of my prized possessions with Friday The 13th memorabilia.

  2. Cool concept! :)

  3. Thats kick ass…I need to get some more of these Jason figures. I only own the Todd Mcfarlane versions of Jason and Leatherface (1998). Since then thers been over a million figures made.

  4. thats the ones i have to Jeremy. I have the freddy and ghost face ones too.

  5. Pretty damned good comic! I did a Jason vs Hellboy comic using figures a while back, but it isn’t anywhere near as good as this. Any idea when the next installment comes along?

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