Spend Friday the 13th with fridaythe13thfilms.com

friday-the-13thThis Friday, November 13th, we will have some great events planned to celebrate Friday the 13th.  Join us for the following events to be posted throughout the day this Friday:

1. Discussions on the franchise: Multiple Friday Conversations

2. Special Announcement on Friday the 30th, The 30th Anniversary reunion event next August.
3. Special Bracket Challenge on a character not highlighted in the bracket thus far.
4. Contest to win specific, rare, Friday the 13th memoribilia item.
5. Other tentative events in the making.

We look forward to having you spend the day with us and celebrating Friday the 13th!

About the Author


Email questions: [email protected]. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

19 Responses to “ Spend Friday the 13th with fridaythe13thfilms.com ”

  1. Yay! I cannot wait.

  2. “Happy Friday the Thirteenth”

  3. and if you live in Milwaukee…come see a cool metal show with Put Her In the Trunk…We have Jason Hoodies :)

  4. Sweet! Looking forward to it!!!

  5. I hope we get to vote for Best Jason!! ;) Can’t WAIT!

  6. I would wager that most people don’t want to see me vanish from this board…my contributions to it are never offensive. So I don’t know why the powers that be see it fit to delete the posts I make. What kind of tyranny is this, Jasonfury?!?

  7. I’ll be watching Friday the 13th part 3 in 3-D on the big screen up here in the Cleveland area

  8. Does anyone know of any TV/Cable channels that are planning on honoring this Friday the 13th by airing any of the classics?

  9. All I could find was Spike TV airing the final chapter at noon.

  10. I’ll be having friends over for a horror movie marathon. Making chili and baking home made bread! Awesome!

  11. Sounds fun Puckbunny. I have to work, and my Christmas movie marathon is almost non-stop. I have more Christmas movies than I have time to watch. Gotta pick the best of the best.

  12. Awesome and i have the week off :) what time are the events starting and ending.

  13. Hey Walmart Man, it wasn’t us that deleted your posts, it was the retail industry. They’ve got long arms – you of all people should know that!

    Great stuff Jason! I’ll be rocking up on Friday just like everyone else!

  14. Happy Friday the 13th from Marbella (Spain).

    I hope spend all along next Friday with part I, II, III, IV and V.

    A good film party with “Friday the 13th” friends.

    Best regards!

  15. Dusk,

    Thanks for clarifying the culprit behind my deleted post. Nothing good ever comes from the service industry and Walmart is no exception to this rule.

    Your website has provided me a steady outlet to vent my frustrations about life, and even if what I say is not always on topic, I want to thank all the hosts of this website for giving me that opportunity.

    Fridaythe13thfilms.com Rocks!!!!

    As for this upcoming Friday the 13th, I will go home after work, buy the best six pack my money can buy (Bud Light), and relive the greatness that is Warrington Gillette in Friday the 13th Part 2!

  16. Can’t wait for Friday the 13th!

  17. this Friday November the 13th i’ll be sitting right in my living room with a big ass bowl of salty and buttery popcorn, a 2 liter of pepsi, a big bag of assorted gummi-type candy from my mall’s candy store, and watch Jason take Manhattan on my 40″ samsung lcd!

    and yes i’m 28 years old. and yes i am married. i know the description may sound like otherwise lol

    i like to get very sentimental on Friday the 13th’s!!

  18. i always remember USA network showing the Friday films on friday the 13th, it was how i was introduced to them back in 1988-1989, its too bad that they arenyt really shown on television that much anymore, USA was a great network taht used to air them along with Saturday Nightmares, oh to time travel back to the 80s ! happy friday the 13th !!

  19. If only my friends were horror fans. But still, looking forward to having my own all night Friday the 13th movie marathon. Hopefully I got saturday off so I can continue though into the morning and watch every movie in a row.

    Best day of the year.

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