The New Blood Japanese Movie Program

I just received this recently and it is one of the better programs that were produced for the movies in Japan. There are some excellent photos  of scenes that never made it into the movie as well as the classics we all know.







There’s also a picture of Jason holding David’s head, which is something we never see in the movie. That photo didn’t turn out so well for me, but I will try to load it again later.

My favorite part of getting this program is that the guy I bought it from kept his ticket stub from when he went to the movie and included it with the program. I wish the tickets we buy in the US would look anywhere near as cool as this!


About the Author


I've been dedicated to this franchise for most of my life and am happy to be contributing news and information to all of the fans out there. If you have any questions or want to submit your thoughts, email me at

7 Responses to “ The New Blood Japanese Movie Program ”

  1. I have got to say that that is really cool.

  2. That look badass!! great collectible!

  3. SAWEEET!!!

    That is the sheeeyit.

  4. Wow I’m jealous about that ticket stub. On the opening premiere of the remake at the Grauman’s Chinese theater they had cool oversized tickets stubs like that. I got one signed by Mears. If you want to ever sell that ticket just let me know.

  5. Hey Scott,
    Don’t know if I will be giving up the ticket any time soon. Do you have a pic of the ticket stub you received at the premiere? I haven’t seen what that looks like yet.

  6. Scott, those are awesome. Man, I wish I could have made it out to that. Obligations kept me at home during that time. Well, you definitely have yourself a great collectable. I would never give that one up if I was you. Thanks for sharing the pics. Take care.

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