Video Review Saturday: Promotional Hockey Mask Lamp
This lamp is one of the coolest promotional items to ever come out of the 1980’s. It has an all 80’s vibe and just having the wood base and the Friday the 13th logo on it just makes you want to watch A New Beginning! This item was sent to video stores to promote the release of the film on home video cassette. Here’s your chance to see the lamp on video instead of only looking at still images!
I think I’ll disagree, and say that this was put out in conjunction with either Part VI, VII, or VIII. Not V. Just going by the font style that is used for the Friday the 13th title on the base. It wasn’t used on the original posters & VHS covers until Jason Lives. Yes, the mask does kind of look like the one on the Part V VHS cover, but I’ll stick by my observation.
Actually I’m afriad that while I don’t wish to start a big discussion here, I more or less agree with Jasonsfury. The red-colored lights and it’s over all more plastic generic “goalie mask” look is VERY reminansant of the Part V (1985) North American now infamous badly done on the cheap one-sheet poster (as opposed to the superior foreign non-North American stuff I’ve seen from Part V’s original ad campaign). Just my two cents. It wouldn’t make sense for it to advertise any other installment.
Plus the hock would more or less be a lot more round and “dinner plate-like” if it were advertizing Part VI or something. I remember at first seeing these on on his general retro horror/Slasher and very Friday and Jason-centric blog (check it out on the “B” section to your left; it’s still there), and I did it. I also believe Jack (scabboy who is also on YouTube ac cuntrytrash) mentioned that these were distributed to many video store chains in order to promote the Fall/Halloween seasonal release of Part V. I next saw them a few weeks later on eBay as you noted, but the asking price was well over like $150 and even with free S&H, that is a bit too much. I am a bit time old school Paramount-era fanatic as I’ve said before, but I’ll take the films themselves on the latest superior digital home format of Blu Ray and maybe some framed one-sheet posters of many other things. I see this as something that would really clutter up my master bedroom and would just be somethin’ else I would have to dusk regularly through out the week, so I probably wouldn’t want one even if I won it myself. But it is cool to look at on someone elses video for a few minutes.
Reguardless, I’m very glad you continue to show off these cool little things, Jasonsfury! It’s fine that you’re into it. By the way: please consider showing off the vid I gave to you a few weeks back, as I don’t think many here have seen it. Also continue showing off the various versions & home video viewing formats for all of the older Paramount-era stuff!
Great video, as always.
cool review, and i agree its for the new beginning. i have the vhs version, cheap mask cover, i also have part 4 and 3 on vhs, and i could have sworn they used the same friday logo.
As far as the logo goes, if this lamp was put out at the fall/Halloween time of the video release, maybe they wanted to put the new font out there before Jason Lives, and retire the old font.
I think this is a great piece. Just as advertising does today, you had to do what you could to push the product. It reminds me of Demons 2 (if anyone here has a liking to Italian horror) where you had a fake TV set and the demon coming out of it. There was an old video store that had that and it always freaked me out.
Great video!
That’s something that I’ve never seen. I like these promotional items a lot, but they usually go above my spending amount. I remember 4 or 5 years ago, I saw an eBay item that had a FvsJ promo kit. It had a book, some misc. Items, and a hockey mask. I really wanted it, but it had ended before I could bid. I haven’t seen it on eBay since. I think it was Japanese.
Ive never seen that before, but it looks cool. I remember when part 5 came out on VHS, but I dont recall seeing a lamp. Which is odd because the video store I went to constantly always had cool displays for horror films. Like when Nightmare on Elm Street 3 came out, they had this lifesize statue of Freddy that was actually scary looking at least to me at the time. And when Childs Play hit video they had a huge cardboard cutout of the cover of the box. I wasnt too crazy about the cover for A New Beginning because of the mask, but I figure they went with that to symbolize that the killer isnt Jason. But that lamp is kickass, I love the way the eyes light up. Once again cool collection bro. Im tellin ya, You could open up a Jason museum.
To Bobby Russell:
Dude Italian horror (at least the old school stuff form the ’70s and ’80s) is indeed very cool, for the most part! I’ve been on an Argento Blu Ray buying spree from Amazon as of late, and yeah, I own many of the ‘old school masters’ stuff on standard def DVD as well (from MArio Bava and his son on down). And I honestly dont’ like much Fulci, but I did get two of his works on Bllu Ray as of late (the giallo-style Exploitation/Slasher entry The New York Ripper as well as City of the Living Dead) and I also finally broke-down and got The Beyond. They’re all okay, but I feel he’s more or less a poorman’s Argento, myself. But he’s stuff is okay for a quick make-up FX artist/gore sequence fix.
Okay sorry if I quickly hijacked the thread here. *lol* And to evilekim:
You wrote: “I like these promotional items a lot, but they usually go above my spending amount.”
Same here. I quite enjoy them, but I’m getting ready in the next few years to think about buying a home, as well as more or less NOT buying the things in which I don’t really need, and so I’m REALLY trying to watch what I spend on myself, more or less. Like I said thattis indeed very cool as I stated form my first post, that that would more or less just be something that would collect dust around be and would be well-over nearly $150 that I DON’T need to spend towards it. As I stated, the framed original posters that I already own as well as the Blu Rays of Parts 1-through-3D and current Deluxe Edition DVDs of the 4-through-VIII will do just fine enough for me (plus my Crystal Lake Memories book). It proves I’m a bit enough Friday fan, as well as with the convention videos and tribute videos I have saved from YouTube.
But this is indeed a very cool item. I might get something liek this in the future, but we shall see.
This reminds me of the countertop advertisement for Dead-Alive when i was working at a local video store. You put your hand in the woman’s mouth to get candy and she screams.
To RustyMachete,
Yeah, like the old Angela from Night of the Demons cardboard standee, as well as the Blockbuster chain first Halloween VHS tape re-release in the mid ’90s form the Halloween season and the like, it seems like genre films home viewing format debut used to be a hell of a lot more fun & inventive. People used to understand that you have to more or less spend some money to make some more money with advertising, and that it is a good idea to do so. And it is indeed quite sad that the more older fans like us who grew-up during the older years of the video store chains used to see stuff like that which would of course grab your attention.
Sadly I feel that old lost “advertising artform” is truely lost. Holy Hell, I don’t even notice anymore Elvira: Mistress of the Dark stuff around Halloween time anymore here.
So sad what kids lack in entertainment these days.
While I am a fan, and do think this is kinda cool on a nostalgia level, I think it’s good that they don’t do this anymore. It’s such a waste to produce hundreds or thousands of a silly plastic commodity, in order to advertise movies that people will go see anyways. Did the Friday remake need some gimmicky plastic novelties, that will eventually end up on a landfill, to make it a success? No.
Na the remake just made a bunch of plastic dvd and blu-ray cases and cd’s to fill landfills with. The gimmick was releasing it in theaters on Valentines Day. The gimmick was the trailers and pics and lies that Brad Fuller and company spread about the movie. But as far as the lamp goes I think it’s pretty badass, eventhough it’s for my least favorite film in the franchise. It’s still cool.
A bit off topic here… Was watching a Disney Channel show with my kids today, Sonny with a Chance. Last place you would expect to see a Friday alum. And who do I recognize? None other than Ethel herself, Carol Locatell.