Cool Jason t-shirt & machete replica
Available at, I was scrolling along the search engines and found this interesting shirt. I’m sure some of you have already seen it since I’m usually the last one to get around to these things, but I thought I’d share it with those of you who haven’t seen it yet. The shirt is priced at $14.99.
Also available at is a machete replica, possibly the one from the remake, that is on sale for $139.99. Add this to your collection if you haven’t already done so.

I’ve owned this shirt for about a year now. I love it and get a lot of odd questions about it. It’s really fun to wear it around the church folk.
The machete is a replica from the remake that was sold by NECA when the remake was released. Below is a pic of the box it came in. I bought mine for $80 and it weighs a ton!
I thought we added a post about this machete here at some point in January or February of 09. Hmm.
I’m sure you or some other author did indeed cover the machete story, but I’m sure some people didn’t get to see it so I ‘re-introduced’ it.
The shirt is not an original I believe. I think Ben at did it first. The creator of this shirt added the mask and blood which I dont care for. I get more compliments and start more conversations with just the WWJD? shirt. I could be wrong but it is still a cool shirt.
I thought(for a second) it said When Will Jason Die? haha Cool shirt though.
Actually, I’m a little lost on this one. I know this might be kind of a stupid question but, what does WWJD mean?
What Would Jason Do? Taken from the frase: What Would Jesus Do?
jasonsfury, you know how much the machete prop replica weight? And is it dull? Seeing as it’s a prop machete, I hope it not sharp enough to slice someone’s limbs or head off. Not to mention I hope it’s not strong to give you a simple gash either. Just the idea of using it when wearing your costume, some might be concern of someone using it when not hacking up bushes, tree branches, etc.
I would guess it weighs between 10-20 pounds?? The biggest reason it feels so heavy is the length of the blade. The machete is made of real metal and wooden handle. The blade is dull, but the tip of the machete has a sharp point and could still do some real damage if you’re not careful with it.
If you really swing this at someone, it could knock them out. Definetly not a toy…. and it even says so on the box it came in.
Oh… it’s the Jesus thing. I’m not very religious, so that’s probably why it never occurred to me… I like that. I’m definitely gonna have to get one of those.
I can’t seem to find this anywhere, maybe I’ll try E-Bay or Amazon, but this shirt looks freaking awesome!!