Video Review Saturday: Part 3 Spanish Lobby Cards

This weeks video has a special tribute video to Jason Takes Manhattan, info on ‘The Terror of Crystal Lake’ and as mentioned in the title of this blog, Friday the 13th Part 3 Spanish Lobby Cards. Also, an update on my basement. What more could I pack into one video!?

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3 Responses to “ Video Review Saturday: Part 3 Spanish Lobby Cards ”

  1. Hey Jason great video! I will have to check out the tribute video on you tube as well. I really liked the lobby cards, they were in great shape, very nice find for such a cheap price you got lucky there! Nice to see your basement is coming along, hopefully that’s a situation you will never have to go through again.

  2. Yea, the lobby cards were a very lucky buy. I have been buying them for a while and people get taken on those all of the time for a far larger price than they should.

    Glad you like the video. I try to get those out every Saturday!

  3. Very cool!!! I have a friend (my maiga) named Cristina from Espana (Spain), and she can help with rather or not in Spain they say Viernes or Mortes (or however it is spelled). Very interesting Video Review for Saturday as always, Jasonsfury my good man!

    And I was sorry to hear about your basement flooding but the new carpeting looks very nice! And it is interesting that you would pick Part 3, as this and Part 2 and The Final Chapter (yes all of the old school Paramount-era Friday’s; the first five) are REALLY my favorites. This and Part 2 especially. I REALLY wish Mr. Miner made more Slashers before turning his back on the series. And I liked the video a lot as well, being the HUGE Part 3 mark that I am. I actually just got in a nice newer Blu Ray hoe theater system from SEARS and I re-watched Part 3 last night, and then TFC Deluxe Edition up-converted, so this was a very cool find! ;)

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