Chiller Theater Con This Weekend
This weekend there is a huge convention in Parsippany, New Jersey. Chiller Theater has a ton of guests from different genre’s of movies, including Patrick Stewart, Peter Fonda, Richard Dreyfuss, Danielle Harris, and two Friday vets Kane Hodder and Lawrence Monoson. Lawrence Monoson would be great to meet and get an autograph from as he is one of my favorite characters from the franchise.
Now, I usually never mention or plug anything outside of the franchise, but I am really excited about this con having Vernon Wells. For those who don’t know, he played Arnold’s arch nemesis Bennett in Commando and has garnered quite the fan following over the years. Check out to get a serious laugh out of how cool and cheesy Commando is.

I did get a serious laugh out of, if Matrix were here….he’d laugh too.
Commando was so awesome. I love the tool shed scene where Arnold scalps the guy with the circular saw blade. Seeing Arnold hacking up all of those guys at the tool shed kinda reminds me of another killer. A hockey-masked killer. Wish I could go to the convention.
Guard: “Cutting the little girl’s throat, will be like cutting warm butter.”
Bennett: “Put the knife away, and shut your mouth.”
Awesome, guys!
The movie is great.
“Don’t deprive yourself of some pleasure. C’mon Bennett, lets party.”
I feel ya Chris B, but the fact is….Matrix killed over 80 people on screen in Commando. It took jason like six movies to get up to that body count
I remember seeing Vernon Wells in the movie Fortress(1986), great movie you guys should go check it out.
This Film Rocks Pure 80s Cheese
Best Commando quotes
1; Arnold drops a hood of a cliff
Girl “what did you do with Sully” Arnold “I let him go”
2; Bennet trying to Kill Arnie
“John Im not going to shoot you between the eyes, Im going to shoot you between the Balls” Arnold rips a pipe off the wall & impales Bennet “Let of some steam Bennet”
3; Arnold clashes with Cook in the Motel
Cook “you scared Motherfucker? you should be as this Green Beret is going to Kick your Ass! Arnold “I eat Green Berets for Breakfast & right now Im very hungry”
4. After killing Cook in the motel, Arnold says to Rae Dawn Chong; “We’ll take Cook’s car, he won’t be needing it”!!!
Line after line, that movie rules. The storyline was ridiculous, but Arnold’s lines were magnificent!
I live like 20 mins away from the convention in Hopatcong. I msy go and meet Ksne to get my Hockey masks from goalie terror personally signed tonight…or Sunday!