Jason From ‘Freddy vs Jason vs Ash’ Comics

The first comic series of the Freddy vs Jason vs Ash saga left Jason Voorhees without the bottom part of his hock. I always thought that look of Jason was awesome and could easily imagine it used in a feature film. However, getting a real good thought of what the new look would look like in real life is always tricky. Well, DWN Productions has created a very accurate rendition of Jason’s look from the comics and, in my mind, should really be used in a sequel at some point. Jason just looks plain mean and vicious.

View some great shots of DWN’s mask below and visit their website for more details on this very unique version of Jason Voorhees!


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10 Responses to “ Jason From ‘Freddy vs Jason vs Ash’ Comics ”

  1. That’s a great scene from the comic and the mask looks great. However the only gripe I have is that there is too much blood on him. That blood covers up all that amazing sculpt detail work around the mouth. Besides that it looks incredible. Sick looking regardless.

  2. Awesome. I dig the look. I have the comix, and I thought it was cool. The mask looks great…

  3. Freakin cool. I didn’t know he had this look in the comic. I would like to see this in a film.

  4. Awesome look, if it is made a bit less cartoonish it would be great to see it in a film

  5. There may be a bit too much blood and cartoonish, but I like it nonetheless. I really dig it!

  6. @CrystalLakeSlasher He has that look in the second miniseries which came out in TPB form earlier this summer.

  7. That is freakin sweet!!! I read FVJVA: Nightmare Warriors 2,3,and 4. I think how the bottom part of Jasons mask missing is a cool look. Its a pretty good story and brings back alot of characters from past FT13th movies, and A Nightmare On Elm Street movies. It stays true to all 3 franchises. I just would really like to get ahold of the rest of them. Anyway, the pics above look awesome. Very good work.

  8. Wow! The 1st pic on the 2nd row is very much spot on how he look in the comics. Like others, I agree as well there is too much blood on it & it’s hard to see the amazing details with blood all over it.

  9. i like the cartoonish look, great mask

  10. Anyone else notice that Jasons face looks like that spinning toy on small soldiers. Love the mask

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