Reasonably Priced Jason Hock/Hood Combo
For those looking for a good looking replica reboot hockey mask and generic hood, this is something to check out. The hood is not specific to any of the films, but with a starting bid of $200, you get a great value price for an authentic looking display of Jason Voorhees. Read the description below to see if you interested in placing a bid at the auction.
Freak out your friends in this horrifying jason latex hood & hockey mask, whether or not it’s Friday the 13th! Straight from your worst sleep away camp memories and nightmares. the cowl is cast out of high grade industry latex and hand painted to look like dirty aged skin & the hocky mask is Cast out of sturdy plastic resin this classic character mask comes weathered with blood-red streaks, it also has industrial grade black elastic bands and silver snaps just like in the films.

That’s awesome!
Beautiful Replica like the pullover the mask even looks scary without Jasons outfit i can just imagine it he was done all up
Where can i buy a mask like this? If anyone has info please email at Thank you
looks good…………but in the forward veiw it looks like the mask chould be smaller if your comparing it to any of the friday films but part 6…………i cant stand the look of jason in part 6
Can’t stand the look of Jason in Part 6? I think there are plenty of other films where Jason looks worse than he did in Part 6. Jason is at his worst in Part 8 and continues to look bad in every consecutive film after that until FvJ (and even then his look only improves marginally). It wasn’t until until the remake that he looked good again imp.
I think the above mask is a good genral representation of Jason as he appeared in the first four films (with the mask on, of course).
I’ve got a few things. My favorite mask is a shadow box frame with freddy’s glove cluthing jason’s mask. we’ve all seen it at amazon or somewhere. i’ve got one!! and it’s pretty sweet. It scares the nephews really horrishore”!
Walmart Man…this is a remake combo.
A “remake combo”? That sounds like something you would order at a McDonald’s drive-thru. Observe.
“Welcome to McDonald’s. Can I take your order?”
“Yes, I’d like to have your Friday the 13th remake combo please. Does it still come with the latex hoody and hockey mask?”
“Yes it does.”
“Alright then. I will have that but can you switch out the regular coffee with an iced one and add a shot of hazelnut?”
“That will be $1.07 extra.”
“That’s cool. I’ve been working overtime and Walmart so money isn’t an object this week. I figure I could spoil myself a bit. Hahahaha.”
“Wow, you sound like you have your shit together, sir. You must be one of those cool people who think that Friday the 13th Part 2 is the best one.”
“I most certainly do.”
“Well in that case, the whole meal will be free of charge.”
“Thank you. That’s great.”
“Your welcome, Warrington Gillette. Please drive up to the next window.”