Setting Up The Scene: Hawes’ Death, Jason Lives

Hawes’ death was one of the best kills in Jason Lives and still stands up against the best of the franchise to this day. A simple effects shot and just the right amount of blood make for a memorable Friday the 13th moment. Below is a behind the scenes photo of the effects crew setting up Hawes’ death. Check out C.J. Graham holding the heart in-hand while the crew sizes up the dummy torso that C.J. will punch through!




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11 Responses to “ Setting Up The Scene: Hawes’ Death, Jason Lives ”

  1. a great kill. When i first saw it in the theater it wasn’t that clear what happened in this kill, thanks to the MPAA. But, the vomiting blood and falling into the coffin and having the coffin close on him helped make it great.

  2. Yeah, I couldn’t tell if it was just a lump of flesh or an actual heart either thanks to the MPAA. But, fuck, this was a cool kill. One thing I liked about this movie was that it only took a few minutes before Jason was brought back to life and killing again. The murder count in Jason Lives is waaaaay higher than most other F13 films.

    Not only did Jason rip out Ron Palillo’s (Hawes) heart but he also buried his acting career with one swift stroke of his rotting fist. Nice job, Jason! Fuck you, Hawes!

  3. “Not only did Jason rip out Ron Palillo’s (Hawes) heart but he also buried his acting career with one swift stroke of his rotting fist. Nice job, Jason! Fuck you, Hawes!”

    Hilarious. :)

  4. Part 6 imo, has some of the very best kills out of all time movies.

  5. I just remember seeing this scene and loudly exclaiming “holy shit! He just killed Arnold Horshak!”

  6. I know! I was so taken back at the ease of Jason ripping his heart out that I was in shock and then figured Jason was definitely going to be a bad ass in this movie.

  7. My favorite Friday film of all time and one of the best kills in the series.

  8. Hey jasonsfury,

    I just want to let you know that after you posted this, I rewatched this scene from Jason Lives…and thought it was a good start to my day.

  9. One of the best kills in the series…undeniabley. Jason Vs. Horshack.

  10. I was never a huge fan of ‘Jason Lives’ (I always just thought the film was “okay”) but I always loved that kill scene and always thought that was the best kill in the entire movie :)

  11. Best of the franchise’!

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