Completed Crazy Ralph Bust

UPDATE: Josh, the creator of this mask stopped by to give the url of his website. Check out Crazy Ralph and also his Part 3 Jason. Awesome!

I posted about this back in August, but now it looks like the Crazy Ralph bust is completed with paint job. Over at Scab’s Horror Blog, scabby posted a pic of a completed Ralph bust and mentioned it was created by Josh Stephenson. His website should be active soon, so I hope to have a chance at purchasing a Crazy Ralph!



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7 Responses to “ Completed Crazy Ralph Bust ”

  1. cool beans!

  2. wow. came out spectacular. Nice to see some of the other main characters getting some consideration in the art department. this and the Roy one from a few posts back are the bomb. if only i weren’t broke!

  3. That is awesome. I always liked it when the more obscured characters are focused on then opposed to just the killer. With that in mine, I would love to see something on Alice or some of the other final girls.

  4. having ralph’s head in my room would creep me the hell out. Looks f’n sick though..

  5. Check out Crazy Ralph and other masks here:

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Josh. Awesome work!

  7. Wow. Great mask!

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