Custom Paint Up of The Final Chapter Bust
“Spaz” emailed photos of his custom paint up to us using a bust he purchased from MMFX. I love the detail and colors he chose for the bust as this is a beautiful piece to add to any fans collection. Congratulations on a great paint job! Also, check out all of those hocks on the shelves in the background of the first pic. That is awesome!
thanks for adding this bro
I hope all the Friday fans like
heres a couple pics of the “FINISHED” piece
after a clear coat, and shirt was added
Damn – that is freaking killer. Nice work man.
That is awesome….You do really good work.
Freakin’ A that looks ill, so does the part 8 & JGTH masks up there in the first pic, I hate how his face looked in part 8 when he took off the mask, but i’m pretty sure that was meant to be his look before that chick threw the toxic waste on him
Yea, he really did a great job. I love the look wih the shirt on him!
Once you got a hock in it, it would be eerily similar to the movie.
cant put a hock on it
this bad boy is BIGGGGGGG
i am the biggest fan of the final chapter, man i would so like to get my hands on a bust like this!