Jason Voorhees Grudgematch: New Blood vs Uber Jason

A heartbreaker last week for a lot of fans. I think every single person would have voted for Reboot Jason if not for the fact that he was facing quite possibly the best Jason in the series. I really believe that Derek Mears could win a vote against practically any other Jason …… maybe not Brooker’s Jason, but it would be close. Well, this week brings us a very interesting showdown. Uber Jason is in the house. Will he handle New Blood Jason with ease or will Buechler’s creation upset the metal one this week!

New Blood vs Uber Jason
New Blood was indestructable. He could not be taken out, even by an emotionally disturbed psychic that literally dropped the roof on him. Would he really have a chance against a cyborg? That’s for the fans to decide. Uber Jason was one pissed off reincarnated serial killer who was on a mission and that was to kill everyone left on the Grendel. If he had to go through New Blood, could he do it?

Unique Weapons of Choice
New Blood:  Tent Spike
Uber Jason:  Space Machete


About the Author


Email questions: jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

51 Responses to “ Jason Voorhees Grudgematch: New Blood vs Uber Jason ”

  1. New Blood Jason. Best Jason ever!

    BTW, happy birthday New Blood!

  2. new blood cause i hate uber jason

  3. New Blood gets my vote.
    To be honest, I always thought that New Blood was kinda overrated. The look of Jason was cool, but the movie is a bit much. Carrie vs Jason? I enjoy the movie anyway, but the originals blow this one away.
    Uber Jason sucks!

  4. New Blood! Uber-Jason wasn’t Jason Voorhees.

  5. New Blood Jason

  6. New Blood

  7. New Blood for the simple fact that it was the first Friday i saw as a kid and jason in space just sucks

  8. New Blood

  9. New Blood hands down.

  10. New blood all the way… Can’t stand Uber Jason… Looks like a metallic gorilla!!

  11. Are these grudgematches based on fact, or just overall favoritism?

    Let’s be honest, there’s really no way New Blood Jason could take on Uber Jason. I mean, he survived an explosion he was practically right in the middle of without a scratch or scuff on him, he decapitated Kay-Em with sheer ease, he’s bullet-proof, and it’s to be believed that he survived atmospheric re-entry in some form or another. So, what could NB Jason do to possibly warrant anything longer then a 2-5 second fight?

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around how White won the last round, there’s just no way.

  12. T-12 I agree with you 100%, everyone on here seems to vote purepy out of favoritism without even logically looking at the stats.

    And yes White is one of my faves, BUT I STILL VOTED FOR MEARS.
    Do you know why? cause he is BIGGER, STRONGER, FASTER AND SMARTER, so he would wins hands down, yet everyone still voted for White, JUST BECAUSE he is their fave Jason or because part 4 is their fave movie >_>

    It’s gonna be exactly the same this time round, no one gives a shit if uber Jason being half cyborg is undestructable and one bad ass mofo who could kill anything is his path, even newblood Jason, they will still vote for newblood cause he looks better or cause uber J is lame or cause part 7 was a better movie, and i agree with it all BUT i still look at the statistics.

    I love Jason from the newblood and usually id vote for him hands down, but this time i have to give it to uber Jason, rebuilt, bigger, stronger, faster, now has his 2nd eye back, well hell he now has 2 perfect eyes, newblood jason still only has 1 eye, and he isnt half cyborg, and he’s hock and body parts arent made from metal or steel or whatever the hell it it.

    So uber Jason it is for me…

  13. NEW BLOOD hands down

  14. New Blood

  15. New Blood, definitely.

    On a side note, I always thought that these grudge-matches were supposed to determine the most popular Jason — not, necessarily, which Jason would win in a fight. I guess everyone’s interpretation will be different, though.

  16. New Blood, I hate Jason X and everything about it, and I thought Jason looked the best in New Blood.

  17. Matt, was it ever stated that the grudge matches were about the most popular Jason? if so then hell yeah NewBlood Jason wins hands down…

    But as far as i know it’s a fight, and as you know more often than not the stronger, faster, bigger, badder, smarter or whatever have you, is the one who wins…

    And in this case, it’s Uber Jason hands down, anyone who disagrees and says NewBlood Jason would win in a physical fight is seriously deluded.

    Lets look at it logically, Uber Jason has been rebuilt, he is half Cyborg, so half metal, he has 2 enhanced eyes.

    NewBlood Jason is still a rotted corpse, with only 1 eye, which was originally he’s bad eye.

    Uber Jason is physically bigger AND stronger than NewBlood Jason.
    Uber Jason is faster since he’s been rebuilt.

    As for smarter? who knows, but in a knock down drag out bare knuckle fight, Uber Jason wins it easy, but if this is based on popularity then NewBlood wins it easy.

    JasonsFury, which is it based on? Popularity or an actual fight?
    Because half the time people just vote for their fave’s not who would ACTUALLY win the damn thing if it’s a fight.

  18. T-12 May 14th, 2025 at 5:18 am
    Are these grudgematches based on fact, or just overall favoritism?

    Let’s be honest, there’s really no way New Blood Jason could take on Uber Jason. I mean, he survived an explosion he was practically right in the middle of without a scratch or scuff on him, he decapitated Kay-Em with sheer ease, he’s bullet-proof, and it’s to be believed that he survived atmospheric re-entry in some form or another. So, what could NB Jason do to possibly warrant anything longer then a 2-5 second fight?

    I’m still trying to wrap my head around how White won the last round, there’s just no way.

    My original intention of these matches was to see which Jason could beat the other in a fight. They were not meant as a popularity contest. However, in a way, that is sort of what it is happening and you cannot change people’s opinion on how they feel. So, it would be nice if everyone voted on the basis of if they felt a particular Jason could win, but it doesn’t look like that will always happen.

  19. Uber-Jason.

  20. Uber Jason’s a bulletproof frickin’ ROBOT….yeah, I seriously doubt he’s going to lose against a one-eyed corpse.

  21. I’m going to go with the minority here and say UberJason. His metal structure helps sheild him from the attack of NBJason’s varied and eclectic arsenal.

    Before he halves NBJason with his new machete he utters his first words: “Hasa la vista, baby.”

  22. I’m torn. I love both actually.

  23. My original intention of these matches was to see which Jason could beat the other in a fight. They were not meant as a popularity contest. However, in a way, that is sort of what it is happening and you cannot change people’s opinion on how they feel. So, it would be nice if everyone voted on the basis of if they felt a particular Jason could win, but it doesn’t look like that will always happen.

    Ahah… thanks for clearing that up. Well, in that case, I’ll have to change my vote to Uber-Jason (does he have any vulnerabilities?!).

  24. New Blood!

  25. New Blood

  26. New Blood!!

  27. Who cares who wins all these matches anyway. You may as well say, Kane Hodder vs Kane Hodder. In the end of all these matches, he’ll be all that’s left. Except Ted White, maybe.

  28. Obvioulsy Uber Jason would win, but I dont even consider that flic as a real friday the 13th to me its a comedy or spoof, so with that in mind a spoof cant beat New Blood. New blood gets my vote

  29. These are two of my favorites from the movies.That being said, I think I will vote for Kane’s Jason. LOL

  30. Just because your bigger and faster does not mean you are going to always win. I felt White’s Jason was more of a survivor and monster than Mears Jason and that is why I picked him. I did not show bias in that one. With that said I probably will here as I love the New Blood Jason, but if you want get technical about it he is a zombie and zombie Jason has shown tremendous strength. So whats to stop him from being able to do real damage to uber Jason. This is without a doubt Kanes best performance. He is very violent and fairly intense. After this he became more the stereotypical Jason.

  31. New Blood Jason get’s my vote.Simply the best Jason ever……KI,KI,KI,MA,MA,MA.

  32. Who the fuck are these people sayin ” lets look at the stats ” uber would win cause heS a robot! what the fuck! guess you guys work for new line. way to go for fuckin up the series! New blood my be the undead with 1 eye but all he’d have to do was kick uber in to crystal lake and he’d either rust or blow a fuse!!!! After that he could weigh him. theres good money to be made in scrap metal :) My vote go’s to new blood

  33. As much as I love The New Blood more than Jason X, Im going with Uber Jason. The thing that impressed me most about Uber Jason is when Kay-Em attempts to shoot Him, the bullets just bounce off him. When Nick shot Jason in The New Blood, it seemed like it hurt Jason just a little. Even though it didnt stop him. The suit Brodski wore in Jason X must be pretty tough because before the grendel blew up He charged towards Jason. What is it with Jason destroying ships? Kind of like how he sank the boat in Jason Takes Manhattan.

  34. New Blood’s Jason (and I don’t care if I’m basing it on favouritism or not).

    Did like Jason in Jason X, right up until they turned him into Uber-Jason…what a joke that was. He looked stupid and not menacing…thanks New Line…ya never knew what to do with him.

  35. In a straight up fight I gotta give it to Uber-Jason. That pains me to say, because I thought he was the worst Jason in the series. However, my second favorite of the series is part 7. If this is based on who would win in a fight it’s Uber-Jason, but if it’s based on popularity part 7 Jason bar none.

  36. New Blood

  37. Love New Blood Jason but Uber-Jason was so bad ass. I have to go with him on this one

  38. Uber Jason was dope…..but, New Blood Jason kicks ass! NEW BLOOD JASON!

  39. I say White (Part 4) would kick both of their doughy-asses!

  40. New Blood. And if you think it’s favoritism, you’re right! It would be hard to ever choose any of the New Line versions (JGTH, JX, Versus) over the original hockey-masked Jason (parts 3,4, 6-8). Yes, even Teleporter Takes Manhattan! It’s still an original Friday the 13th, despite its flaws.

  41. Now I love the New Blood Jason, but in a fight, Uber Jason would win. My vote goes to Uber Jason.

  42. New Blood, though I voted agains him first time. Uber Jason is interesting, but righteous Jason should wear a classic hock!

  43. Really I think that New Blood would lose in actual fight.
    Btw. you can very well see what could happend to the New Blood by simply checking up 2nd issue of Jason vs. Jason X comics. It’s comic story but it’s based on film. It proves that Uber Jason could kill any Jason (zomie or human) with his bare hands.

  44. I am glad to see Uber-Jason getting some recognition. Someone earlier asked if he even had a weakness…I think they ONLY weakness was the obvious atmosphere ripping him up and burning him into Earth 2. Of course we don’t see him decimate into nothing, and still wish for a follow up (just b/c direct DVD) would be fine, but that would be the only thing I can thing of for now.


  46. NEW BLOOD JASON, he brought us the best Jason who ever lived, Kane Hodder!!!! But considering how I read something from AVATAR comics very similar to this, Uber-Jason will probably win.


  47. I have to go with New Blood Jason. I never really liked the Uber Jason at all!!!

  48. New Blood for me!!….. we do see more off new blood jason then uber jason!

  49. Well, since we see “New Blood” has this vote to, when will the next face-off division take place? Very soon I hope. I’d like to see Brooker VS. Hellhound, or Reboot Vs. Space Jaon…something like that. Perhaps when we run through all possible JVSJ face-offs, we will have survivor fights…

  50. It will be tomorrow! I would look for this to happen every Thursday. ;)

  51. Alright cool! I wasn’t sure when the weekly fce-off challenges began a new bracket. I can’t wait for your choices for the next round. Thank you for the update!

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