Paul Kratka And His ‘Blood Was Everywhere’
As we have mentioned in earlier posts within the last few months, Paul Kratka has been working his way back into acting and has appeared in Director Scott Goldberg’s most recent offering Mr. Mullen as well as past and upcoming films such as Loss of Hope and Militia 15. Within the last few weeks, however, Paul has also just finished shooting another role for the independant horror film, Blood Was Everywhere.
Director Jason Torrey is in the process of crafting his finished product for his low budget slasher film so keep track of the progress and when you can view the new film by becoming a friend of the film on Facebook. In the mean time, we have some pics on set of Paul Kratka where his blood really is everywhere. Check out the pic of Paul sharing a moment with a member of the production. He looks familiar. Any guesses of who that may be?

It’s been great to see Paul getting so many acting jobs of late. I hope they lead to a big part in either a genre film or something bigger!
Blimy Jasons put on weight!! lol
Wtg Paul!!!!! Its good to see Him take on another horror project. Plus the dude with the hockey mask looks like Jason in retirement.