‘Without Your Head’ Features Friday Characters On Comic Covers
We have featured audio interviews by Without Yout Head horror radio previously as they have had a number of guests from the Friday the 13th films on their show. Early this past Summer they decided to create pseudo comic book covers for all of their shows, which were drawn by Troy and Neal Jones. Certain covers feature their guests and so is the case with all of the Friday the 13th alumns that appeared on their shows.
We have gathered all of the covers for the Friday alumn to share with everyone here. We excluded the Tom Mathews cover as it was featuring his character from Return Of The Living Dead. Check out the covers and let us know what you think.

I love all of these! My favorite, though, has to be Julius’s head popping off. And, I think it’s cool that he’s wearing his jogging suit!
Cool artwork, I love it.
<3 Larry Zerner