Exclusive Paul Kratka & Felissa Rose Images
Here are two exclusive interview images from Anchor Bay’s forthcoming doco His Name Was Jason. The first is Mr. Eyezapoppin’ himself, Paul Kratka (Friday The 13th Part 3 in 3D), the second being scream queen Felissa Rose from Sleepaway Camp, 1983’s perennially linked camp slasher. These do appear to be in-film shots, and if that’s the case this is going to be one beautiful, lush trip through the cinematic world of Jason Voorhees! Click for higher res.

Wow Paul Kratka got old and as for Ms. Felissa Rose….God I want to do so many things to that woman!!! She’s beyond hot! Glad to see her aboard for this doc, even though she was never in a F13th flic. Awesome pics, thanks!
Nice exclusive, hope we get some more of these, maybe even some preview clips later on?
Ah, that eye picture still grosses me out. lol.
to Morgan: Really? you can see the wire
and Paul Kratka looks well old.
She is very hot :p
*lol* @ Pete.
Pete, dude, I just gave ya a leangthy reply on the “His Name Was Jason” last Blog entry. I hope it’ll help.
And yes, your not alone in wanting to do many, many obscene things to the always lovely Felissa Rose.
Also, all of ya’ll shouldn’t rag on Mr. Kratka too much, now. Yeah, I know your all playin’ but c’mon: We’re all gonna get older one day.
In all honestly, the guy doesn’t look bad at all for his age. Isn’t he in h is mid ’50s now? So yeah, he still has his hair and his build.
Also, back to the main point of this Blog: Whoa, beautifully done images, which look more-then-fine on my brother Erik’s HD moniter at full resolution. I even more now *SO* can’t wait for this, and the eventual DVD loaded with Extras, release of this bad boy. As much as me and many otehrs, so dug Halloween: 25 Years of Terror, I feel this is gonne be even better in some reguards.
Can’t wait. C’mon uninteresting months, and fly on by, so we can have this bad boy sitting on our media shelves.
Yeah, uh… with few exceptions, the last time anyone saw Paul Kratka was in 1982. Which was 26 years ago. Did you really expect him to look the same ? Did you think he was going to be wearing that same blue sweater from F13-3D too ? Well, O.K. he is wearing a blue shirt, i’ll give you that.
Yeah I agree. I was quite surprised to see some commenting on his age, when many of us have already seen some recent pictures of him from Part 3 reunion screenings and the cast reunion commentary recording for the boxset. The last time he was a 35mm film, it was one year before my 1983 birth.
Thanks for the info Captain, I’m actually planning on re-reading CLM after this semester in school ends for me ( no time right now). Yes we all do get old but it’s just that I don’t think I have seen the guy since pt.3 so it was a bit of a shocker for me. He doesn’t look horribly old atleast. It’s funny because I think Catherine Parks(refer to interview blog with her) looks even better now than back in pt.3. Yet another actress I would do many things too! LOL!!!! Glad to put a smile on some faces w/ that one! I mean that in a complimentary way too and not in a stalking, psycho, and obsessed way. I’m sure these actresses have/had enough of that shit in their lives.
Hey Pete,
Ah your welcoem for the info any ol’ time.
I’m trying to enjoy my days here, as I’ve always been into this series, and I assume that this modern Blog feature will now (sadly, in a sense) replace the old bbs traditional message board. I kinda hope it comes back, one of these years. *crosses fingers*
Yup, the Crystal Lake Memories book is well worth owning and re-reading; enjoy that one. I’ve read it roughly three times now, and of all the coffee table books of interests I’ve had, and having Asperger’s Syndrome, I’ve read many, I must say it’s one of the few that are well worth owning, and the many interviews and each chapter (especailly for the first 5 for those of us heavily into the first few Fridays before comedy set in) is just so interesting. Especially the very earily films, which doesn’t have the big wealth of info anywhere else but in many back issues of Fangoria that you gotta pay out the ass for at eBay.
It’s cool. I totlaly got it.
And he’s aged gracefully, indeed. I chouldn’t believe how big Chuck from Part 3 had gotten, but again, I forgot how long it’s been. *grin* And Catherine Parks, from her recent pics on her site and at the “Where Are They Now?” feature here, has also aged nice. I always thought she was a looker. The women of the first 5 Friday’s truely do it for me.
And I’m the same way with being playful on my Friday gal crushes. Hey we can all dream, can’t we? *shrugs* And sadly, your no doubt right, as genre actresses who are in the old school of Slasher films, usually have has to run into a lot of that shit with stalkers obsessing over them, as we all sadly knew from the Halloween: 25 Years of Terror documentary and with Adrienne King’s confession at the first big F-13th reunion years ago, and on Dead Pit.com radio and also in the book.
My heart goes out to all of’em for havin’ to deal with that shit indeed. Life’s far too long to have to live in fear of bastards. Stay cool …
I can’t wait to see this DVD, I really enjoyed the Halloween one, I hope this one will be just as good!
he needs viagra now to get chris naked once in the morning and two times at night.Shoot he may need clias and viagra
I’m wondering if this will be any good. I’ve been hearing about this for what seems like years now.
Not sure if anyone has seen Paul in his most recent film, but you can check it out at http://www.ScottGoldbergMovies.com. He played the lead in the short film, Loss of Hope.
Please, give me link to download XRumer 7.0!!!
Always yours,
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You can send an email to f13admin@gmail.com or I can help you out. My email is jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com.