‘Friday the 13th: No Man’s Land’ Nearing Completion

In the middle of August, we first brought you news of a new fan film that would bring Jason back to Crystal Lake once again. The production completely took place in the U.K., which should give the film a different atmosphere than with past fan films. Yes, Crazy Ralph does make an appearance in this film and the special effects look promising. The production company, Light Beam Productions, is currently in post with the film, hammering out small details for the final product.

No Man Land is slated for a Halloween 2025 release, so get ready to be stalked by your favorite slasher once again. Take a look at some of the production and behind the scenes photos below and follow all of the action up until release day at the official Facebook page for the film.


Friday the 13th: No Man’s Land is a thrilling new fan made venture which returns us to the terrifying world of Jason Voorhees, and the chilling area he calls home, Crystal Lake. When a group of youngsters, accompanied by two road travellers find themselves stumbling accidently into the now abandoned realm of the infamous and long since gone Camp, it isn’t long before they are picked off one by one by someone who isn’t too happy to have been disturbed. Shot entirely in the United Kingdom, F13: No Man’s Land brings Jason back once more to unleash bloody terror just in time for Halloween 2025.

About the Author


Email questions: jason.parker@fridaythe13thfilms.com. Follow me at: www.twitter.com/jasonsfury

5 Responses to “ ‘Friday the 13th: No Man’s Land’ Nearing Completion ”

  1. Jason is going after the British!!!

  2. That looks cool.

  3. That’s some serious fucked up dental work. Wow. That’s sick looking. I’m getting excited.

  4. Yea, the dental work has gotta hurt! This looks promising. I am looking forward to checking this out. Thanks for letting us know.

  5. Looks awesome, cant wait.

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