Friday the 13th Streaming On Netflix By 9/1/2010

We have known that movie channel Epix has been a big supporter of showing Friday the 13th films in HD as the last few months the channel has shown Friday the 13th Part 1 through Part 6 on multiple occasions. They had a run of the first three movies as well as the reboot back in June. Most recently, they showed Friday the 13th part 1 through Part 6 this past Friday August 13th.

Twitter user inneedforlove10 has been great about updating us when the films have been on Epix and this past weekend I was alerted by another Twitter user about some Friday the 13th films being available to watch by streaming on Netflix! Now, the computer that is normally used for updates has been acting weird, so I didn’t get to this news until today, but just recently announced, Netflix has entered into a deal with Epix to stream many of their movies through their website or game console devices.

This of course opens up Epix’s run of the Friday the 13th films to Netflix subscribers. As of 9/1/2010, Friday the 13th Part 2, Friday the 13th Part 3, and Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter will be available for streaming through Netflix. Noted at Netflix, Friday the 13th (1980), Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, and Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part 6 are streaming coming soon. So, look for those titles to be available for streaming at a later date!

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11 Responses to “ Friday the 13th Streaming On Netflix By 9/1/2010 ”

  1. If you have a 360, a gold member, and have netflix I think it would be sweet to have a fan gathering! If I’m not mistaken we could all watch it together and bs and everything while watching the movies! Gamertag is JAS0N VOORHEE5

  2. Yea that would be sick my GT is: Itz Roger Klotz

  3. You can get Netflix on Wii now, too. But since Wii isn’t high-def, I guess that means the movies wouldn’t stream in high-def right? Does anyone know if that’s right or how that would work?

  4. Awesome! It will be nice to watch these in HD when available.

  5. i think when they photoshopped out the “in 3-D” on the dvd cover it ends up looking like Jason is holding a spatula.

  6. This is great. I am looking all the time on Netflix for some Friday the 13th action. I do know that the special “his Name is Jason” and “Jason goes to hell” is already on netflix for viewing.

  7. Hellooo…anyone? Anyone have an answer to my question?

  8. I don’t own a Wii, but if it is not HD, then you are coorect in assuming that the the films will not be in HD.

  9. Thanks JF. I just wasn’t sure if the movies would be in HD since the TV itself is HD. Well, that sucks. Not gonna order Netflix on my Wii then. lol

  10. Hopefully they will actually be streaming in HD, as most Netflix streaming titles are not in HD.

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