Email Accounts

Just a quick reminder to our readers that we have had a very popular Friday The 13th Email Service available for several years now. It’s completely free, and we have thousands of active users. I check regularly for any service downtime and have the ability to mass-email anything super-duper important. You can easily sign up and login via the main page of the website. In the future we may have more integration like adding a login box to the blog here.

I should also mention for a period of time recently they took away the free signup option but free accounts are now back, so take advantage to get your own address. If you have any questions let me know.

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4 Responses to “ Email Accounts ”

  1. I can never get mine to work properly :(

  2. Thanks, but too many personal and un-needed questions for me!

  3. Seem’s cool, but I already got three free Yahoo! Mail accounts that I use basically daily, so that’s fine and all.

    The free e-mail accounts do look cool from that screen shot, though.

    Can’t wait untill a few more days when we all get some more news on what’s all gonna be on the up coming remaining Deluxe Edition’s, as I love the first three I got for the re-mastered adio mix and the HD picture look’s even better on my up-converted theater system player. Never though I’d say this, but Paramount is doin’ good for a very nice, unusual change of pace here …

  4. Mine stopped receiving e-mails so I saved myself the hassle and got gmail.

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